Providing the combined effect of a port and the positive characteristics of the butterfly bar, the profile of the beris KONNEX bar is slimmer and it positions itself very comfortably in the horse’s mouth. There is also more room available as the port in the beris KONNEX bar is significantly wider. Suitable for horses with little space in the mouth e.g. thoroughbred types or older horses (due to change in tooth alignment), horses with large tongues and, in particular, ones sensitive to pressure points on the tongue.
The Filet Baucher — Also referred to as a Hanging Cheek Snaffle this bit places itself perfectly in the mouth. With rein action the mouthpiece changes its angle and puts pressure on palate and tongue.
When a contact is taken the upper arm is angled forwards causing the mouthpiece to lift — thereby suspending it in the mouth and reducing the pressure across the tongue and the bars of the mouth. This is often beneficial for cases of over sensitivity. If the horse is going forward into a contact and active behind this will encourage a rounding action and help tremendously with the outline.
The shape of the mouthpiece plus the soft transition to the rings prevents any pinching and makes it very stable in the horse’s mouth.